When applying the walk cycle, the controllers of the hands seem to be deactivated, why’s that?

After I have applied the Walk Cycle on my character with Duik, I can’t move the arms with their controllers anymore, how can I fix this?

I’d like to animate the arms on top of the walk cycle, what can I do?

The RxLab Team
Jan 22, 2024 08:13 PM 1 Answers Duik Ángela
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– Duduf –
Jan 22, 2024

The procedural walk cycle animates the arms with Forward Kinematics (FK) and thus deactivates the Inverse Kinematics (IK). They do not need to translate anymore as the animation is on the angles of the individual FK controls.

If you want to animate/adjust the arms, you can either adjust the values in the Individual FK controls in the effects of the controllers, or you can re-enable the IK, but this will deactivate the procedural animation on the arms.


You can animate the switch between IK and FK, and Duik provides a tool to ease this IK/FK switch process.

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