How to use the same rig for multiple characters?

I’d like to build a single rig to be used with multiple different characters in After Effects with Duik, is that possible?

The RxLab Team
Jan 19, 2024 05:55 PM 1 Answers Duik Ángela
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– Duduf –
Jan 19, 2024

Yes, this is possible if the characters all have the same proportions (if the length of their limbs, the distance between the joints are all the same).

No in all other cases, sorry. This being said, it’s quite quick to create a bunch of bones and run the Auto-Rig, not much longer than having to reposition existing bones (it may even be faster due to performance issues with rigged characters).

We could implement a tool to reposition already rigged bones, that’d be a great new feature in Duik, but it’s too complicated for now and all the other great new features we have to add first.

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