Why do you call your tools Free Software if I have to pay for it?

On the download page of your software, there’s a paywall and I have to pay before I can download the tool, but you claim your tools are free.

Why do you say your software is free?

The RxLab Team
Jan 22, 2024 08:35 PM 1 Answers General
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– Duduf –
Jan 22, 2024

On the download page of Duik, we ask professionals to make a financial contribution before downloading Duik, because we think that’s just fair for them to contribute if they make money with our tool.

You have to understand the word free as in freedom or in free speech – what we call Libre in French – and not as in free beer. We’ve tried for more than ten years to deliver everything we do for completely free, relying only on voluntarily donations, and that just wasn’t enough for us to continue our work.

So we have to sell the software, but you’re still free to use it as you wish, redistribute it (for free if you wish), modify it, and share your modifications.

This being said, it’s not actually mandatory to make a financial contribution. Yes, everyone, including professionals, can download Duik for free, if one just has the courage to click the I don’t want to contribute and support free software. link available on the download page.

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