How to use Ramses without server?

Is it possible to use Ramses as a stand-alone application, without connection to any Ramses server?

The RxLab Team
Jan 19, 2024 04:43 PM 1 Answers Ramses
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– Duduf –
Jan 19, 2024

The Ramses app, and all Ramses add-ons for Digital Content Creation apps (like Maya, Blender, After Effects…) can perfectly be used without access to any Ramses Server.

You just have to install the Ramses app and the Ramses add-ons you need.

Sharing the Ramses data without server

The server is necessary to share the data between multiple users using Ramses at the same time, but you don’t necessarily need it if you’re a one-man-band and want to sync the data between multiple computers.

You can easily sync the Ramses data between devices: just save the Ramses database (the *.ramses file) to a shared location (on a NAS for example), or share it with a service like Syncthing, Dropbox, One Drive, etc.

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